Welcome to CPS
CPS Orphanage in Kathmandu, Nepal cares for 24 children aged between 6 and 17. It is run along the lines of a big family and managed by a Nepali couple, whom the children call uncle and auntie. CPS aims to provide the children with a warm and loving environment, a good education and the necessary support when they move onto adult life. CPS is totally reliant on donations and 100% of all funds given are used to cover rental costs, living and running expenses and school and college fees.
Latest News
End of Year Exam Results
Congratulations to Suraj and Manish, who came 1st and 3rd in their end of year exams!! The majority of our children at the CPS Orphanage rank in the top 10 students in their individual years. Well done everyone, we are very proud of you!!
We have graduates!
Congratulations to Arjun and Basanta, our two oldest boys, now aged 19 & 18, who have 'graduated' CPS and are living independently.
During the last year they have been mentored by Bharat and Anjana on skills such as cooking, budgeting, shopping, laundry etc. So that Arjun & Basanta get off to a good start, the charity has paid for 2 beds and bedding, cooking utensils and a cooker. We have also pledged to support them financially for 3 months until they secure jobs. The total cost for this is �681.
We are very proud of Arjun and Basanta who have grown into hardworking, thoughtful & independent young men.